Norton Bowling Club
Safeguarding Policies
Norton Bowling Club is committed to promoting a safe environment in which all members can enjoy participating in the game of bowls. It acknowledges that it has responsibilities under relevant legislation.
It will seek to underpin and fulfil these responsibilities by following the Safeguarding policies as approved by Bowls England. Links to these policies are found below.
Adult Safeguarding policy
Norton Bowling Club affiliates to the National Governing Body (NGB), and recognises the policies of The Bowling Development Alliance (BDA) as approved by Bowls England. A link to the policy can be found here . . .
Child Safeguarding policy
Norton Bowling Club has considered its responsibilities to young people participating in bowls, and follows the Child Protection Policy and procedures produced by Bowls England. A link to the policy can be found here . . .
Safeguarding issues should be referred to either Julie Broadbent or Celia Stoddart, our Club Safeguarding/Welfare Officers by emailing nortonbcsafe@gmail.com
If you have not had a reply within 24 hours or if the matter is very urgent then use the contact details below
Who to contact